SZNT - Timeline Stories - EN


More than 1 million signatures in 11 countries

The European campaign was successful, 1.167.571 statements of support were collected and the threshold was reached in 11 Member States (Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania).


Further extension to ECI’s due to the pandemic

The European Commission decided for an additional three-month extension of the registered European Citizens’ Initiatives due to pandemic challenges. The extension refers to initiatives, that are currently collecting signatures. A first six-month extension had already been granted in July 2020 and a second three-month extension in December 2020. According to..Read More


EC grants extensions to citizens’ initiatives

Due to the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic the Commission decided to grant un extension for the European Citizens’ Initiatives until 1 February 2021. The extension concerns initiatives that are currently collecting statements of support. A first set of six months extension had already been granted in July. This..Read More


extension of 6 months by the EC

The European Commission extended the deadline for collecting the signatures by 6 months. The European Parliament voted for the Commission’s proposal to extend the deadlines for collecting, verifying and examining all ongoing European Citizens’ Initiatives (ECIs) impeded by the COVID-19 pandemic. The global health crisis and the corresponding social distancing..Read More


End of signature collection

By the end of the one-year signature collection campaign, 1,008,966 online signatures and 220,000 paper-based signatures were collected. However, instead of seven countries, only three EU countries (Slovakia, Romania, Hungary) managed to reach the threshold required for the number of signatures.


Signature collection launched

First signature collection campaign: Six years after the submission of the citizens’ initiative and a lengthy legal procedure, the collection of signatures started at the 11th Székely May 1st Festival in Makfalva (Ghindari) in Marosszék (Maros Seat). The initiating committee had one year at their disposal to collect one million..Read More


Winning at second instance

The court annulled the first rejection, thus also annulling the Court of Justice’s 2013 decision refusing to register the citizens’ initiative. The European Commission launched a new procedure concerning the citizen’s initiative, as a consequence of which the registration of the citizens’ initiative for national regions became possible.


Rejection appealed

The applicants, Balázs Izsák and Attila Dabis, appealed to the Court of Justice of the European Union against the rejection of the initiative’s registration by the European Commission, i.e. the refusal at first instance. They requested that judgment under appeal be set aside and the Commission’s decision be annulled. As..Read More


The Court rejected the case

At first, the case was referred to the European General Court which entirely dismissed the action of the initiating committee. The application was based on a single ground. The General Court sustained the Commission’s finding, namely that the initiative proposed regional regulations which – according to the general court –..Read More


Appeal to the Court of Justice

The initiating committee was of the opinion that the European Commission misunderstood the wording of the citizens’ initiative. The organizers decided to bring a case to the Court of Justice of the European Union. According to their petition, the proposed initiative included specific remits – on economic, social and territorial..Read More
